"Loneliness is not a phaseField of pain is where I graze Serenity  is far away"Layne Staley


Elements of drawing

A comprehensive collection of portraits of faces, transparencies, absences, feelings, investigations within that human soul sometimes seem to conceal, his tragedies and passionate sides, dedicated to a  Layne staley  disappeared in the early April of 2002 but who never ceases to exist in our hearts as well as his art and his music filled with sincerity pathos, empathos from Greek = feeling empathy.




This is a a snapshot  of fashion in a broad-spectrum by using  static or moving  dynamic images to represent tastes and styles from a distant time until we arrive at a time close to ours, a carousel of ages and  different styles but often interconnected among themselves as well as humans and humor variables. From bohemian style to rococo style, to the liberty & the art deco syle (affiches of timeless charm ,characterized  by a ersatility that only a movement such as art deco possessed ,embracing every aspect of life in those wonderful and overwhelming years wich ,to the sound of jazz and charleston ,have become  part of the collective immagination as a symbol  of an era  that was chic and merry and wild as the parties which lit up the nights at Gasby Mansion) from the today's gothic & steam-punk  style with sparkling gowns studded with sequins & in everyday items with an almost maniacal attention to details,an exasperation of the decorative elements just like the art dec posters of 1930. Very sad, melancholic, absent, late or happily dressed in their own art. Characters like the Callas take life and dance of a dance that seems immortal the really essenc of the arists.


Elements of drawing & different style